Monday, October 31, 2011

eHarmony Free Weekend: Sept 2nd to Sept 5th 2011

Posted on September 1st, 2011 by Brad under: promotions

eHarmony is having a free weekend starting September 2nd and running until September 5th 2011. The free event will begin at the start of Friday the 2nd (right at midnight) and will run until 11:59PM on Monday the 5th. This free event is open to residents in the U.S. and Canada.

Visit eHarmony to Try the Free Weekend

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Writing a Better Online Dating Profile

Posted on September 5th, 2011 by Brad under: dating profiles

I’ve already shared my thoughts on how I recommend creating a dating profile in my article Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your Dating Profile..

The truth is, I run this site and give dating advice in my spare time…which means I don’t have nearly enough time to help rewrite all of my readers profiles. So my goal all along with my step-by-step profile creation article was to enable people to improve their profiles without needing me.

Recently I was contacted by someone regarding their profile and his desire to improve it. I asked him to go through the steps in my guide to creating a profile. I wanted to share the results of this with all of my readers as I am encouraged that the advice I’m offering can really help.

View the Original article

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Be Aware of What You Reveal as You Communicate Online

Being new to online dating and growing comfortable with online dating both share one risk for people if they’re not careful: revealing far too much personal information far too early.

Early this month a reader contacted me with the following question:

I’m new to online dating and I’ve just started to chat with people and will be seeing a couple of them next week.

What I’m concerned with is giving out personal information. I just finished chatting on skype with one guy, and realized I had already given him my full name, phone number, and my birthday (not on purpose). He was also asking where I grew up, though I didn’t tell him where I was born. I’m just worried that being so new to online dating in general that I may get used very easily.

My question is, how do I know whether the guy is just curious or if he could actually be wanting to steal my identity or something?

Does This Situation Present and Identity Theft Issue?

Generally speaking, I don’t think identity theft is a huge problem with online dating…or at least not the biggest problem. I’m sure it happens but generally the scams I hear about seem to be more interested in tricking people into willingly sending money as opposed to stealing your identity.

That having been said, even if identities aren’t being stolen we all need to be cautious on what information we reveal. In the example above:

I think first name is good enough. If you switch to personal email and your mail account reveals your first and last name, keep that in mind and be sure you’re comfortable with that. A first name is plenty for a long time to be honest.

Giving out phone numbers isn’t much of a risk…aside from the fact that they might start making harassing phone calls (but honestly I don’t think that happens very often). My preference was to go straight from email to a first date but plenty of people use the phone and I honestly don’t see giving out a phone number as much of a risk.I can see how birthdays might come up innocently enough but that’s something that doesn’t seem necessary to talk about so early in getting to know one another.

I suspect in this reader’s case we just had guy who is curious to get to know the woman he is talking to. The fact that he’s getting on Skype and showing who he is something the normal trick-you-into-sending-money scammer would never do. And that’s the type of scam that I think happens most often with online dating (and you can learn more about that scam and others in my article on Protecting Yourself from Scams when Dating Online).

My guess is that my reader is fine in the current situation however we should all follow this rule:

Anything personal we reveal should be revealed intentionally!

If you find yourself accidentally revealing information you didn’t intend to, it’s a sign that you need to be more aware of what you’re talking about!

Looking for more dating advice? Check out my free online dating ebook..

Related posts:Protecting Yourself From Scams When Dating OnlineOnline Dating Scams: Additional ScamsTools For Identifying Online Dating Scams and Liars

dating safety, safer online dating --

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Guys: Don’t Use “Form” Emails for Online Dating

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Re-Contacting Women and Online Dating Success

Posted on September 26th, 2011 by Brad under: dating advice

Recently, a reader wrote to ask questions about re-contacting women at some point after the first email. He also talked a bit about my personal success compared to his and I wanted to address both of these areas in this article.

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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Men That Go Beyond One Email Attempt in Online Dating

Posted on October 3rd, 2011 by Brad under: personal experience

Recently I wrote an article discussing the topic of a man re-contacting a woman after his first email was unsuccessful (that is, she may have looked at his profile but didn’t respond).

In that article, I discussed how the reader had a theory that contacting later could be beneficial because she may be more able to respond at that time. This wasn’t something that I had considered in my original article on contacting a second time (but an idea I liked).

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When Your First Dates Consistently Fail for One Reason

Posted on October 10th, 2011 by Brad under: dating advice

A reader recently wrote me with a very unique situation that was leading to multiple unsuccessful first dates.

In many cases, failed first dates can be a mystery: did she not like my personality? Was he not attracted to me? On the other hand, sometimes we know exactly why we are seeing failed dates…we just don’t know how to respond to them.

In this case, my reader knew exactly why he was struggling on the first dates but wasn’t sure how to correct the situation. Here’s part of his email:

I have really enjoyed reading your site and online dating guide. Based on your information, I am making some serious changes to my online dating approach. But I do have a question that I have not seen addressed in any of the literature I have read and I am hoping you may have some insight or suggestion.

About two years ago I stumbled upon a group of modern-day monks called the Ishayas and learned a prayer / meditation teaching called the Ishayas’ Ascension. I fell in love with the teaching and now share it all over the United States. I also joined the Ishaya Order and as part of my vows, I wear a wedding ring. I assure you that I am not married, not engaged, nor have I ever been either.

However, as I am sure you can imagine this comes up quite often when I meet women. I have not found a graceful approach to handling it yet, except for telling the truth which often ends up in a long conversation that can range from religion, belief, spiritual enlightenment, philosophy, etc. All pretty heavy subjects for a first date and almost always with me doing most of the talking.

The responses so far have ranaged from being flat-out called a liar to ending up as more of a teacher than a potential love interest. Any thoughts?

Specific Example, General Approach

I realize that many readers may read this person’s experience and say, “Well I’m not a monk so this advice won’t help me”.

Not so! I realize that this is a very specific example but the response to dates failing for one specific reason has a general approach. Sure, your situation will differ: your failed dates might instead be caused by revealing information about your job, your relationship history, or any number of items. That being the case, the advice remains the same so keep reading!

View the Original article Free Weekend Oct 14 – 16 2011

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Friday, October 28, 2011

Four Reasons You Still Think You Don’t Need My Advice

Evan Marc Katz

As you can probably tell, things are heating up around here.

Once I decided that the best program I could offer you is the one that is comprehensive, interactive and affordable, it’s been all systems go.

My director, Ambika, has been indulging me for the past month as it takes about two hours to shoot a four minute video.

My interns, Lisanne, Karen and Onna, have been painstakingly working on the blog, posting photos, approving comments, and making things look good to the outside world.

My web team, Edgar and Tyler, have taken my big, unwieldy ideas and created something special from scratch.

But it all started with you.

Your answers to my survey gave me the inspiration to do something that no other dating coach does

Are You Going to Get All the Benefits of FOCUS Coaching?

Evan Marc Katz

I hope you enjoyed the video I sent out to you earlier today.

There are less than 24 hours to go before you can join me for FOCUS Coaching. Before you do, I want to thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

Your questions and comments these past few weeks have been invaluable, and have really informed what you will see in the final product.

Although I hate to be so anal about the details, it’s important to me that everything in FOCUS Coaching is PERFECT

Watch A 1-Hour Live Coaching Event In My Own Home

It’s been a crazy week.

And if, somehow, you’re still sitting on the sidelines, reading my emails, wondering why I am so insistent that you take action on your love life, this is your lucky day.

Because I want to share something special with you

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Did I Lose A Great Guy Or Did I Avoid a Selfish Player?

Hello Evan. Four months ago I met this guy. I had just broken up with my ex-boyfriend, so I was a bit reluctant to take the new guy seriously. However, he was so persistent and romantic that I finally gave in and started to have what I thought was a relationship with him. A week or two later he started to act really cold, not texting or phoning me unless I did it first. He would only see me once a week because he said he was busy (which he was). I felt horrible because I had fallen for him and he didn’t care much about us (in fact he did state that we were incompatible and that he couldn’t imagine a future with me). That’s why six weeks ago I started dating other guys. I didn’t tell the guy about this, which was totally wrong. He wouldn’t tell people he was my boyfriend and he wouldn’t hold hands with me on the street. A week ago a friend of his told him that he had chatted me up and that I had somehow responded. He went completely nuts. I told him all the truth and he’s now furious. He says I cheated on him and that I’m a slut and things like that. He doesn’t want to be with me anymore. I’ve now realized he did love me but he didn’t have the guts to admit it or to show it. I feel like crap. I’m desperate and don’t know what to do because I feel I’ve lost a great guy just because of a big misunderstanding. What should I do? Please help.

What’s Attractive IN Men is What’s Attractive TO Men

I know it’s happened to you before.

You had a relationship that was next-to-perfect.

Your amazing boyfriend possessed almost everything on your wishlist.

He was attractive, he was smart, he was successful.
He was thoughtful, he was fun, he was great in bed.
He was interesting, he was sensitive, he was kind.

Then why did the relationship fall apart? Why couldn’t you make it work with him?

My client, Jennifer, is a smart, successful and sexy woman in her mid-50’s. She’s coming off of a roller-coaster dating experience that has left her confused and heartbroken. I’m sure you can relate.

After joining my Inner Circle, Jennifer, was excited to have attracted a different kind of guy. She was done with the slick, wealthy, charmers who’d loved her and left her before. Her new boyfriend had all the signs of being a keeper.

He took down his profile and offered to be exclusive.
He called her consistently to make plans.
He emailed and texted multiple times a day.
He introduced her to his friends and met her family.

If you let your disappointments shade your view of relationships, you may be inadvertently sabotaging yourself.

These are the hallmarks of an interested man. Except you already know that I wouldn’t be telling you this story if it had a happy ending.

Out of nowhere, this guy went POOF, into the night. He did a complete 180 about his willingness to be part of a couple, and didn’t bother to justify it with an explanation.

What is there to learn from this scenario?

First of all, Jennifer can take heart in that she is not at all responsible for this man’s sudden departure. As a woman who read Why He Disappeared, did the Inner Circle, AND took my Romance Course, she handled herself PERFECTLY.

Your takeaway from this blog post is to not let this man’s sudden departure change ANYTHING about how you date.

Because what’s attractive in men is also what’s attractive TO men. And if you let your disappointments shade your view of relationships, you may be inadvertently sabotaging yourself.

Let’s start by looking at what’s attractive IN men:


Does Being Good at Dating Prevent You From Emotional Intimacy?

Hi, Evan. This question is inspired by the Does Acting Like A Man Mean Acting Like A Jackass? post on your blog. I’m a woman, and I’m a stud. Anyway, I always kind of felt that I was. I am/was good-looking, bright, charming, witty, successful with “the boys,” etc. Over the years, my intelligence and emotional unavailability have separated me from the sluts – male and female. No shocker, I was raised in a volatile, withholding environment and am most comfortable in superficial relationships. In fact, I run into the sunset when confronted with the possibility of commitment. Yes, I am a prize.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Why Certain Men Will Never Do Well With Women – And What You Can Learn From Them

, I still maintain a few male clients.

I enjoy working with guys because, when they’re motivated, they’re hardworking and highly coachable. Plus, the men who gravitate towards me are usually

Five Ways to Test Your Compatibility on a Date

We don't advocate your trying these kinds of things on a first date. The first time, you'll be too nervous and awkward around each other to get much mileage out of these. What these are, are ideas for the third date and up - when you're through assessing whether they're someone you'd want to spend more time with and now it's just a question of seeing if you're right for each other.

#1. Go for a little trip together. This can be as simple as driving across the city, or perhaps taking a chartered boat across the harbor. Traveling, just the two of you, you get to see how your date handles functional activities instead of recreational ones. Driving, especially, is an easy one to read. If your date drives, do they impatiently race, or are they happy to go with the flow of traffic? When they park, do they pick the first open space or do they circle the lot three times looking for the closest possible space? If you drive, is your date comfortable with you in control? If it's a trip, is your date anxious and fidgety, not knowing what to do with themselves?

#2. Take a walk in the park. This is kind of a way to get the two of you away from distractions. Without food, drinks, music, or activities, you'll have nothing to do but just chat with each other. If you both feel awkward, this might be a sign that you're not cut out for each other. If you settle down beneath a tree and spend hours just enjoying each other's company, that's an excellent sign!

#3. Run some errands with your date. The third date or so is probably the time you can be excused to have a few events in everyday life intrude on your leisure life, anyway. So before you get the date-proper underway, just explain that you have to do one quick thing forst and offer to take them along. Nothing complicated! Pick up the dry cleaning, grab a couple of things at the market, or maybe you promised to feed the neighbor's pet while they're out... don't make it something that takes longer than 20 minutes. Is your date sporting enough that they'll want to come along? Do they act put off that they aren't the priority for even this minute? Do they 'team up' and help you?

#4. Play a game. Any social sport will do - a billiards round, a game of darts, miniature golf, ping pong, skee-ball, bocce, or bowling. You can even offer to compete for a round on your Wii! The point of this is to see how your date performs under competitive circumstances. Are they so driven that they must win at all costs? Are they sore losers? Insufferable winners? Remember that the way they play a competitive game is the exact same way they'll act in an argument. If your date is rooting for you to win and offers pointers on how to improve the game, even if you beat them, that's a great sign!

#5. Spend a full day together. This is a much more involving version of the two-hour date. Perhaps you can go to a resort, spend a day at the beach, or even go shopping together. Anything that will involve at least two meals during the length of time. This shows how your date hangs in there for the long haul. Watch for how they interact with other people: are they polite and courteous with waitresses and sales clerks? Do they get cranky if they get hungry? Do they get tired easily? Do you work well together as a team?

Jodie BrittainPosted byJodie BrittainatWednesday, December 10, 2008

English Language Found Dead; Craigslist Wanted for Questioning

If you want to use the Craigslist site for looking for love, don't let us stop you. Just be aware that the site, through no fault of its own, tends to draw the lowest common denominator. This hilarious article goes into the many flakes, posers, and just plain brainless minions who post on Craigslist just because they can.

The best is the third point, "Mediocrity in the first degree.". We'd like to see more people loosen up when they write a profile. Make fun of yourself. Make fun of dating. Make fun of the person reading. After browsing 1000 profiles before getting to yours, think how much attention you'll get if you are the one who throws every idea about online dating out the window and posts something daring and original.

Jodie BrittainPosted byJodie BrittainatTuesday, December 16, 2008

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

When Your Children Date

Oh, is that ever a chilling headline for the parent of teenagers! Well, fear not, for author Lisa Jander has written a book called "Dater's Ed: The Instruction Manual for Parents". It's based on the idea of "Driver's Ed" from high school. Yes, teens will groan and roll their eyes as parents the world over read out loud from this manual and give tests.

For the teens and young singles, parents owe you an explanation. Because you're wondering "What gives with mom and dad? Why are they so uptight? Did they expect me to be a nun?" Well, it's natural to feel defensive about your kids. It's less about micro-managing who you love and why - than it is about putting you on safety watch so your folks don't have to lie awake at night with pictures of psychos and stalkers go through their heads.

That being said, any parent should acknowledge that they're going to be wrong about who their children date at least 25% of the time. How could you possibly not get it wrong? You're a parent!

Jodie BrittainPosted byJodie BrittainatThursday, December 18, 2008

Oh, What the Heck. Break Up By Text Message

What's the point of blogging if you aren't going to shake things up every now and then? So we're going to have to disagree with this MSN News story's claim that breaking up by SMS is a bad thing. Yes, it's cheesy and tacky. Get used to it, because that's us.

See, Internet communication is the standard and it's never going away. When they invented the phone, for a while everybody was saying that you don't use the phone for "formal" communication matters, but notify by post or telegram instead. When telegrams came out, they were to be used for trivial communications and everything else should be post. And so on and so on.

Bah! People are using SMS to do everything from propose to dump to announce pregnancy. It's going to happen anyway. We may not like it, but the times are changing. To hold any other position would be akin to being a Luddite.

Jodie Brittain
Online Dating AustraliaPosted byJodie BrittainatThursday, December 18, 2008

Seven Dangerous Dating Beliefs That Kill Your Chances

Dating, whether online or offline, is a game where the winner is always the one who keeps the most positive mental attitude. In no other aspect of life do we find so many self-defeating illusions that people have. We hear them every day, and they're often used to justify why people don't even try. Here's the most common we've heard:

#1. You have to put out.

Sure, sex is expected at some point. But when? Not everybody - and we insist that this apply to guys, too - thinks with their pants. We've seen it lately happen the other way around from the traditional stereotype, where now men complain that women pressure them for sex, almost as often as women complaining about the men. It's just as wrong from either side; many of us, even if we have a high libido, would like to at least have some standard and be sure that the person meets our criteria before just hopping into bed. But what's more disconcerting is when people just do it because they think that's expected of them.

#2. Traditional sexual roles.

This is a big one, because many women back down from flirting and initiating contact because they will be seen as too pushy. The fact is, the 21st century has seen a great equalization; it's now the accepted norm for anybody to ask anybody else out. And ladies, the younger blokes don't mind at least some encouragement.

#3. You have to agree on everything.

Try this some time: Find somebody who is as close to being your twin as possible. Spend some time with them. Yes, you agree a lot, and what happens to the dialog? It dies out. Have you tried dating an opposite? It's intriguing, it's challenging, it keeps your interest. This doesn't mean you should argue with your date about everything. But learn to respectfully disagree, and yet still love somebody who thinks differently from how you do.

#4. It's all about the looks.

The Internet has served to perpetuate this one, unfortunately. Good looks are important, sure, but they're not the be-all and end-all. The kinds of people who only take looks into consideration quickly learn that looking good and making a good living companion are two different things. Then we all founder, because our society places so much importance on how you look and very little on how to improve your mind, be polite, agreeable company, or develop strong character.

#5. Men have to be rich.

When was the last time we even saw a traditional-role family where the man is the breadwinner and the women stays home to do housework? Not very often. The norm for most couples is to have a two-career household, and even then one partner may work while the other goes to school and improves their career later. men, there's nothing wrong with being a househusband for a working woman. In fact, it can be a pretty fun life!

#6. Smart women are intimidating.

How sad that this idea even exists. It chases valuable talent away from the sciences, where women could have given us some brilliant minds which might have cured AIDS, ended world hunger, or discovered the next energy source. It also ensures that men end up with decorative fashion models with flat personalities and no mental stimulation. The great majority of men in surveys have indicated that they place importance on intelligence and personality traits, as well as looks. So go ahead, gals, show off some smarts!

#7. Geeks aren't popular.

This old hold-over idea from a century ago needs to be thrown out. Look at the Forbes' list of top 100 world billionaires, and look how many of them are CEOs of tech companies. Look at how technology is present in every aspect of our lives. The time of the 'geek' being seen as undesirable is long-gone. Both male and female geeks are seeing their stock rise.

Jodie BrittainPosted byJodie BrittainatTuesday, January 06, 2009

Monday, October 24, 2011

Wacky Niche Dating: Libertarians

File this under "Please, do not help these people reproduce". New York magazine had a look at a dating site that specializes in hooking up libertarians and posted some excerpted craziness. How do you recognize a libertarian, especially one from the U.S.? It's really simple, because their whole lives could barely fill a thimble:
Love Ron Paul, the US Senator from the loony bin. Also known as "Wrong Paul".
Love Ayn Rand. Ayn Rand was the other failing author who saved her career by founding her own cult. The first was L. Ron Hubbard.
Consider comic books to be literature, but only if written by certified Unibomber-style wacko Alan Moore. Alan Moore, Ayn Rand, and Ron Paul is their whole bookshelf.
Wear this mask. Everywhere, even to bed! It's from an Alan Moore comic, of course.
Suckers for everything. They never met a pyramid scheme they didn't like. Chances are they just want to date you so they can sign you up selling NORFED dollars or FOREX trading packages.There isn't much chance that you'd accidentally breed with one anyway, because these people are obnoxious to be around. Will not shut up about conspiracy theories, political beliefs, activism, and whatever goofy idea their cult has into its collective head this week. However, if you want a dating experience straight out of Taxi Driver, knock yourself out!

Jodie Brittain
Online Dating Australia

Want to advertise to Australia's most desirable singles ?Posted byJodie BrittainatFriday, February 13, 2009

You'll Get Her Attention Alright...

While we like the idea expressed by Official Dating Resource's suggestion to compose a funny and cocky subject line that will stand out like a beacon in a woman's in-box, we kind of don't like the tactic presented.

That challenge mentality only works on some kinds of women. But there's lots of other tricks that you can use to break the ho-hum monotony of reading online dating replies: The Seinfeld subject. A complete non-sequitur like "How do you get egg yolk stains out of a shag rug?" or "By any chance, do you work for a bathtub grouting company?"
The Third-Party gambit. "Could you help me figure out this other woman's profile? I think I like her but I'm not sure."
There's something on your face! Or, the online version, "You misspelled 'platonic'." "Can I help you correct the red-eye in your photo?" or "Why does your email point to ''?"
Start a debate. "Your profile had me right up until you advocated for global warming research." or "Why in God's name do you like Michael Crichton novels?"
Or make it a True Daily Double: "I bet you can't seduce me in 24 hours!"
Jodie Brittain
Slinky Dating AustraliaPosted byJodie BrittainatThursday, February 26, 2009

Now How to Avoid Being "Just Friends"?

There's a lot to love in this list of six signs you’ve fallen into the “friend zone”, but while we're at it, why not try to find the point where we made the mistake to end up here, and then see what we could do differently? Follow along with the list, guys:
When your date mentions that she is seeing someone else: your mistake was in not making it clear that you thought of the two of you as being "serious"! In any case, when it gets this far, move to the dump stage. Try to end it gracefully.

Your date brings up sex, when you havn't had sex yet: When this happens, you have about five seconds to wiggle out of your clothes and jump her bones. This is the very last subtle hint that she's ready for sex right now, and if you don't make it happen right now, you're dead from the waist down in her book.
She lets you see her sweaty/dirty, etc.: That's it, relationship's over. You didn't make your move soon enough.
Saying "gee, thanks": She's not impressed! She's telling you to sweep her off her feet and rock her world, and you're being her timid little polite bellhop. You've got five seconds to Hulk out, or get lost.
The "buddy" or "brother" title: Your bad. If you act like a buddy or a brother to a woman, she will think of you that way! You should have already made it clear that you're not looking for a sister.
She tells you she's not interested: Well, then, the time has come to move on. At least you didn't mess up the above five items so badly that she couldn't even tell that that's what you're looking for. Try to end it gracefully.

Jodie BrittainPosted byJodie BrittainatThursday, February 26, 2009

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Salesmen Need Not Apply in Online Dating

I was quite amused at this story about a speed-dating event in which one guy showed up and just handed out resumes. Clearly, this guy has trouble transitioning from the online world to the offline. "Well", he must have thought, "You use a profile to land a date online. You use a resume to land a job offline. Why not?"

The "Why not?" is because people don't like to be treated like that. They showed up in person to see you, not read a piece of paper you've handed them. And they probably don't want your business card, either. Furthermore, when you print up resumes for a dating event, what you're really saying is "I can't think outside the office." Which is a shame, because - singles take note - the really interesting things in a relationship happen in the bedroom.

Like I've advised in earlier blog posts, you should also leave behind the phone, laptop, and other gizmos on a date, even a speed-date. There's a difference between being being tech-savvy and tech-dependent. When you can't be pried away from your gadget, you're telling your date that they will never have your undivided attention. A woman can look like Carmen Electra, be dressed like Leelu in the Fifth Element and be doing Chinese-acrobat cartwheels on her way to engaging in some carnal act with you from the back pages of the Kama Sutra, and you'd be all "Yeah, uh-huh, very nice, hon. Oh my God! My stock went up half a point!"

Jodie BrittainPosted byJodie BrittainatWednesday, April 15, 2009

From Online to Offline: How to Transition Smoothly

I see a great, informative post over at Evil Woobie on a subject we don't see covered often, How To Transition From Online Dating to the First Date.

It gives some good advice, and you have to chuckle over the part where you're advised to " past chats and take note of the promises that you gave in the past". Heh, we talk a lot when we're flirting and don't remember everything, so we have to keep our story straight, huh? Never truer were the words "an honest person never has to remember anything".

My own little part to add: people should be looser about meeting up for dates. So many online daters agonize for months before finally going out to meet in person. What's everybody so shy about? Don't you strike up conversations with the person next to you on the subway, or talk to people at work? So if you don't expect that every person will be "The One", and just go to have fun and socialize, you'll overcome your shyness and who knows, maybe even click with somebody that you thought wouldn't work out.

My other idea: for those people who don't know how to describe themselves, two of these kind of people can agree to meet for an "evaluation date". The purpose is just to socialize, get to know each other for an hour, then you both agree to go home and write the other person's profile! there, now you have a description of yourself as somebody else sees you. This can be a benefit, because people frequently forget to list their best qualities.

Meh, it's an idea...

Jodie BrittainPosted byJodie BrittainatWednesday, April 29, 2009

What Your Partner's Film Tastes Says About Them

Nearly every online dating website has a section of the profile where singles looking for love can say what kind of films they like. Well, that's not just for comparison! Certain genres of films attract certain personalities, and you can tell a thing or two about them from these preferences.

Comedies (Teen)
example: American Pie, Porkys
Teen comedies usually revolve around sex, love, and the frustrations of functioning in the world. Fans of this kind of film feel awkward in life and identify with the protagonist as they fumble through a series of embarrassing mishaps. They have a very broad sense of humor and are very social.

Comedies (Alternative)
example: Monty Python, Clerks
These are the thoughtful, intelligent types. Monty Python and Kevin Smith appeal to the geeks and nerds, and generally a highly educated crowd. Look for analytical and scientific types to flock to these.

Science Fiction
example: Star Trek, A Scanner Darkly
Note that we do not include Star Wars, because that's an action/adventure series. True science fiction draws fans with a strong imagination who like to think. Think of quiet, contemplative people who are very well-read.

Superhero Series
example: Dark Knight, Transformers
Superheros and their uber-villians represent very simple morality plays. Fans of these films like their problems simplified so they can come up with a solid solution. They admire strength and courage, and are given to having a strong character.

example: National Treasure, Star Wars
Similar to superhero films, action films are also a genre that appeal to people who enjoy the simple pleasures in life. But they're more into the action for action's sake. Look for thrill-seekers here, and people who are spontaneous and energetic.

Chick Flicks
example: The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, Sex in the City
In spite of the name, both men and women who watch these kinds of films are very intelligent about emotions. To them, romance is one of the most important things in life. Look for people here who are empathic, sentimental, and tend towards kindness.

Scary Films and Thrillers
example: Saw, Hellboy
Contrary to what you might expect, the biggest fans of horror films are the kind of people who aren't scared easily. So look for people who are very imaginative here, and also very empathic! Also look for emotionally intense people with a good grasp of issues and who are not easily ruffled.

High Fantasy
example: Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter
Amongst fans of these films, you will find the starry-eyed dreamers for whole life is a wondrous spectacle. Look for people who may be older 'but refuse to grow up' - in a good way! They're spontaneous and creative, and love to be surprised.

Crime/Spy Drama
example: Ocean's Thirteen, The Borne Ultimatum
These films are more about what the characters are thinking than anything else, as the various characters pit their wits against each other. The fun in these films comes from trying to unravel the clues and figure out the puzzle. This crowd loves a mental challenge. Look for high IQs, sedate lifestyles, and a dramatic flair.

3D Animation
example: Shrek, Kung Fu Panda
The high-tech enthusiast is a typical fan of 3D animation. They might even have a career in computer graphics themselves. At the least, you'll find a young, smart, and hip crowd who is likely to have a Blackberry or an iPhone holstered. Also, parents love these kinds of films because their children do.

example: Fullmetal Alchemist, Deathnote
Now, anime fans are a very unique subset. Anime and manga (printed comics) run together and frequently hover around science fiction, action, and fantasy themes. So blend together the typical fans of those genres, but add in a double dash of creativity and a childish sense of wonder.

Jodie BrittainPosted byJodie BrittainatTuesday, May 12, 2009

Saturday, October 22, 2011

What Your Date's Social Web Use Says About Them

The 21st century has given us some new metrics to measure prospective partners in online dating. For instance, social websites and services. Once you realize that each of these services has its own unique culture, it becomes immediately apparent that different niches would attract different people over time. To wit:

Yahoo! Groups - Very old school. Expect someone either senior-citizen age, or tragically out of touch with the modern web.
Digg or Reddit - The hive of drones. This is a mixed bag, as these are the two most-frequented social sites, but expect someone age 18-25, very well-informed about the web, very insulated against the rest of the world.
Facebook - Again, everybody and their dog (literally) is on Facebook now, so expect people of all ages and persuasions. But also count on somebody with "nothing to hide", who is very connected to their family and/or co-workers.
Twitter - Chatterbox! At least you know they're a great communicator who's always available. Look out for egos.
MySpace - Look for teenagers and younger. Anybody on MySpace over the age of 21 might have serious developmental issues, unless they're entertainers (singers, artists, etc.) keeping touch with their fans.
4chan - Either you're dealing with lowlifes, or the rare intellectual who finds the brainless silliness amusing. Don't bet on the latter.
Adult FriendFinder - Sexually liberated. However, also look out for people cruising for quick casual sex.Posted byJodie BrittainatMonday, November 09, 2009

Good Advice For Men Who Don't Like Mace

This one post deserves to be saved for future reference, a guy's guide to approaching women in a non-threatening way.

It's such great advice, it's a sure bet that women will want to bookmark it too, to send men who fail to get a clue. Of course, men who fail to get a clue also fail at reading and understanding. We won't invent a way to solve that problem for many generations, yet. Come to think of it, that's the whole problem with the clueless people in general, never mind online dating.

Anyway, as many of you guys out there can attest, it's an uncomfortable situation to happen to be the kind of guy who looks scary. Isn't it? We've observed the kind of man who can walk up to an intersection and you hear all the drivers locking their car doors.Posted byJodie BrittainatTuesday, November 10, 2009

Things To Do For Your Dating Partner That Aren't Sex

Stumbling upon this eHow write-up on how to give a massage, it brought us to mind of all the nice things you can do for your romantic interest that aren't necessarily sexual. There's a lot of concern over safe-sex in the dating stages of relationships, after all, but what nobody thinks of is the nice, even sensual, things you can do for each other that aren't sex, but still make them feel good.

A few more suggestions to consider:

Speaking of massage, how about a head rub, back rub, or foot massage? These are simple, informal little things you can do, in public or in private. Remember that humans, being a primate, bond through any pleasant physical contact, not just sex or foreplay.

A playful tickle. Perhaps even some playful wrestling, if you and your partner know your strength enough not to hurt each other. Some find this arousing, while others just consider it good childish fun.

Crack your partner's back, or help with their exercises, or other borderline therapeutic aids. You may scoff at this - if so you've never had your back cracked by somebody who knows what they're doing.

Hey, and don't forget a good old-fashioned hug! In fact, we could stand to have a more liberal-hugging society all around. At least some of us would benefit if at least once per day a perfect stranger hugged us.Posted byJodie BrittainatSunday, April 25, 2010

Friday, October 21, 2011

Should You Get A Dating Coach

A cottage industry is springing up around the web that does make one think hard about whether the solution lies this way. There are dating coaches; like other kinds of life coach, they offer training in how to date. They train you in the finer points of flirting, fashion, communication, self-esteem, evolutionary biology, psychology, dancing, and so on. We'd rather link to the Wiki on this one than any particular date coaching service, for fear of appearing like an endorsement.

But the concept of a dating coach is not that new at all. It goes all the way back to 1897, at least, with the play by Edmond Rostand. Cyrano helps his friend Christian win the heart of Roxane, using his own wit and charming words to be spoken through Christian's handsome face. While in this case, Cyrano is secretly in love with the lady himself and so is not doing it for money, the principle is the same.

It makes sense that life coaches would specialize in this department and there would be a market for them. Who among us hasn't asked another's advice in matters of love? We ordinarily turn to our friends and acquaintances for anything from "Should I wear these shoes?" to "Does he really like me?" A dating coach makes sense in that regard - why not ask an expert?

Yet we can also see where the stigma comes from. There is controversy over this practice, where it's associated with the "speed-seduction" subculture. This isn't necessarily anything like that, though. Done right, it can be a solution for people who are desperately lacking in social skills in an increasingly digital society where nobody has the time to really study people anymore.Posted byJodie BrittainatWednesday, September 01, 2010

Why Don't Brains Help With Relationships?

This post on dating myths that even intelligent women believe just reminded us that relationships tend to stump the bright and dull alike. What is that? Being smart helps us land good jobs, do well in school, and accomplish all kinds of feats in other fields. When it comes to dating, we're all wearing a dunce cap.

For one thing, there's more than one kind of smart. There's emotional smart, street-smart, artistic smart, and so on. When we talk about intelligence, we usually mean the kind you can measure with an IQ test. That's the logic aspects - math, language, spatial reasoning. Computers, after all, are good at that kind of smart as well. But interpersonal human interaction takes place in a completely different realm.

In fact, we even know about a certain kind of person who is specifically IQ-smart, but people-dumb. That's called "Asperger's Syndrome." Of course, we hate to even bring it up because there's something about that condition that makes everyone self-diagnose as soon as they read about it. (It's rare. Like Lou Gehrig's Disease rare. You don't have it.) It just makes a point that there is a difference between cognitive brains and relationship brains.

For a lighter treatment, we'll toss in 5 Reasons You’re Not Dating Smarter Women. Just in case you were wondering.

Feeling lonely tonight? Try our sponsors Erotic Phone Sex Stories.Posted byJodie BrittainatMonday, September 13, 2010

Long Distance Relationships Dos and Donts

We always try to keep an eye out for advice for those maintaining a long-distance relationship. So this article, from the woman's point of view, on the Do's and Don'ts of Long Distance Relationships, is right up our alley - particularly so for the world of online dating.

We'll let the time-worn question of whether long-distance relationships are a good thing or not fall by the wayside this time, and instead ask: "Why do so many people settle for long-distance relationships?"

People get into these, and then ask, "Is it worth it?" Well, for heaven's sake, you found somebody you want to be with, why not? The question you should be asking is "Is whatever keeps us apart worth it?" College? Some 2/3rds of graduates end up in a job they didn't even foresee that doesn't even match their degree. A job? There's work everywhere - maybe one of you can just quit work and stay at home for the other. Family? In the long-run, long-distance relatives beat a long-distance lover. Money? Please; pull a double shift and save up.

From where we can see, the only problem with long-distance relationships is that they need to solve the distance problem first. There's too much texting and too little cuddling in a warm bed going on out there.Posted byJodie BrittainatMonday, November 01, 2010

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Friend Zone - The How and Why

You could call it slumming, but we'll link to AskMen today for an example of your typical Avoid the Friend Zone article. Yes, men, in your online and offline dating relationships, the two most dreaded words you'll hear are "friend" and "zone."

Why does this happen? Why why why? Because men seem to feel like it shouldn't be a problem - there's that cursed Michael Bolton song about how can we be lovers if we can't be friends. Thanks Michael. Missing the point as usual. Here, guys, let's try to explain it this way: Here's some celebrities, and we'll rate them as friend vs. lover.

Alan Alda - Friend. He does not exhibit one drop of testosterone.

George Cloony Lover. With that hot tattoo he had in From Dusk til Dawn.

Rob Reiner - Friend. A sweet, lovable, cuddly uncle of a man.

The late Stanley Kubrick - Lover, but only if you're very submissive, because you know he would want it his way only!

Adam Savage (of Mythbusters) - Friend. Your funny, smart, geeky friend. You don't want him in bed, you want him to help with your calculus homework.

Jamie Hyneman (also of Mythbusters) - Lover. Now we're talking, and since male geeks are the biggest set who complain about the friend zone, we'll draw the line of distinction here. Now Jamie has the same brains, skills, and know-how of Adam - but look at that mustache and that hat and that scowl. You know this man can also down a beer, fight off a wolf, and love you like a caveman all at once.

Sean Connery (the one true James Bond) - Lover. Like a god.

Every other James Bond since (George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan, Daniel Craig) - Friend. Friend. Friend. Friend. Friend. Lazenby, Moore, and Craig might be good for one-nighters at best. But Lazenby would never amount to anything, Moore would be unbearably smug about it, and Craig you'd just try because he's intriguingly weird.

Visit this month's sponsor of at Phone Sex Australia.Posted byJodie BrittainatSaturday, November 06, 2010

A New Advice Expert For the Ladies

We like what we hear so far about Dr. Diana Kirschner's new book, Love in 90 Days: The Essential Guide to Finding Your Own True Love. Especially since the article lists four disastrous dating patterns that women fall into.

Let's play a fun challenge and see if we can come up with four corresponding disastrous dating habits in men:

The Recluse - It corresponds to the female hermit, but the male doesn't think he'll be better off alone. No, he desperately wants a mate, but is too painfully shy to go talk to anybody. Basically the only chance he gets for a girlfriend is if a female cat burglar breaks into his apartment.
The Player - The opposite, this is a man with too much confidence, a copy of "The Art of the Pick-Up" in his pocket, and an ego which needs to constantly be fed with fresh women.
The White Knight - Mr. Nice Guy who always ends up in the friendzone. Need we say more?
The Unicorn - A roaring bore who can't shut up about how special and unique he is. So much so that he has to examine each woman with a magnifying glass and find her at fault. It's probably for the best anyway.

Did we get those right or not? Have all the ladies met at least one of each?Posted byJodie BrittainatTuesday, January 18, 2011

The Importance of Sound Judgment in Online Dating

We've probably seen the rules of safe online dating before, but it's always good to take a refresher course. This guide on sound online dating judgment is a very thorough one. It seems to be written a little more from the female point of view, but men should remember that there's a few risks for them too, from time to time. OK, Tarzans? Remember that not every Jane you find has your best interests at heart.

"Sound judgment" is a phrase you almost don't hear these days. Everybody's afraid to judge. "Oh, I don't want to exclude anybody or hurt their feelings." Yes, but there are places in the world with predators stalking who barely can be said to have feelings at all! Judgment is really made up of instinct and experience.

Your instinct comes form your animal side. Years of evolution has shaped our responses to our environment in uncountable little ways, most of them unnoticeable. The shot of adrenalin that follows a "flight or fight" response, the urge to utter a noise when something startles you, and the prickly feeling on your arms and neck when something spooks you are all bits of animal instinct that follows back to our earliest ancestors. Listen to your instincts, and they'll usually read you the right way.

Visit this month's sponsor of at Cheap Phone Sex & Adult Dating Services.Posted byJodie BrittainatMonday, January 24, 2011

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Dating Research Uncovers Two Different Types of Friends with Benefits Relationships

Initial research on casual sex has revealed two different types of friends with benefits relationships.

“Pure” friends with benefits occur between existing friends and involve physical gratification, as well as emotional intimacy.

“Sex buddy” relationships tend to occur with strangers or acquaintances and only involve physical gratification. If you’ve experienced either of these relationships we’d love to hear your experiences.

Take part in our online surveyPosted byJodie BrittainatTuesday, April 12, 2011

Online Dating: When You Don’t Want to Marry Your Girlfriend

Tips for Confident First Date Conversation
by Kristin Marshall on October 12, 2011

15 Things That Make Guys Undateable

100-Year History of the Bra

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How To Feel Comfortable Around Your Partner’s Friends

You think the hard part is over — you’re with an amazing person, and you want to share every aspect of your life with them. Introducing them to your friends seems like the next logical step, but it’s harder than you’d imagine. You want to meet their friends, but you’re nervous. Here are a few tips on how to get comfortable around your partner’s friends.


Have your partner prep you, almost like a celebrity being prepped for an interview. It might seem silly, but getting talking points from your partner will help! Talk to your partner about their friend’s backgrounds and discuss things you all may have in common. Learn what you can so you can relate.

Double Date

If any of your partner’s friends are taken, try going out on a double date. You’ll be able to socialize one-on-one — this will help you feel more comfortable, and you may make a few friends, too. Be sure to have your partner filter out the couples with partners you may not get along with, it could end up being pretty awkward.

No Friendly Exes

If your partner is still friends with an ex, try to avoid hanging out. Even if your partner wants to introduce the two of you, avoid complication, awkward situations, and drama by just saying no. We’re sure your partner has many other uncomplicated friends to introduce you to.

Don’t Force It

Although you may want to spend time with your partner’s friends, or at least get to know some of them — don’t force it. Independence is important in a healthy relationship, so maintain that by hanging out with your own group of friends. In time you’ll meet your partner’s friends; it’s natural. Plan a casual get-together when you’re both free and bond over drinks, food, and board games.

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Online Dating: Creating Just The Right Amount Of Jealousy

Previous post: How To Feel Comfortable Around Your Partner’s Friends

Next post: 14th Edition of the Carnival of Online Dating

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14th Edition of the Carnival of Online Dating

Welcome to the October 5, 2011 edition of the Carnival of Online Dating! This is the fourteenth edition of the blog carnival, and we really appreciate those who have submitted their links for inclusion. Spread the word: The next Carnival of Online Dating will be October 19, 2011, so make sure to get your submissions in by 8:59pm PST/11:59pm EST Tuesday October 18th.

Date IdeasDonna Cullen presents 10 Fun Restaurants to Try on a Date posted at Top Dating Sites, saying, “Dating should be fun. The problem for many couples, whether it’s picking a place to go on your first date or your twelfth, is finding a place that will entertain and engage you. Here is a list of some of best date restaurants across the country.”Dating Tips & Advicevinman presents How to Get Your Boyfriend Back Without Losing Your Self-Esteem posted at Online Dating Services and Dating Tips, saying, “It is understandable that you are unable to forget the memorable times you were with your dating partner. Getting back your ex is important, but do not do it losing your self respect.”Mary Edwards presents What Not to Wear on Your First Date posted at Best Dating Sites, saying, “There are no fashion police these days (except Stacey and Clinton from What Not to Wear). People do tend to wear whatever they like: Skinny jeans, flared jeans, long skirts, short skirts, plaid and paisley. And what would be totally acceptable in one group, might not be in another. So bear that in mind as you look at this list. There may be some groups of people and certain first date circumstances, that these rules would not apply to. They are general in nature. Ultimately, it is up to you.”Kisses B presents Fellas, she’s just not that into if… posted at I Want My Kisses Back.vinman presents Online Dating Mistakes Men Should Avoid posted at Online Dating Services and Dating Tips, saying, “Are you upset with repeated dating failures? Learn the mistakes you should avoid to make the best impression.”Mary Edwards presents 10 Reasons No Girl Is Good Enough for Mamma’s Boy posted at Best Dating Sites, saying, “Some mothers have a hard time letting go. When it comes to their sons, especially if they only have one, they can get a little possessive. They may have a hard time thinking that there is someone out there suitable for their perfect angel. Listed below are ten reasons no girl is good enough for mamma’s boy.”Kisses B presents Courtship is dying… No, Maybe It’s Dead posted at I Want My Kisses Back.Personal AnecdotesCourtney Rogers presents 6th Grade Hottie posted at No Sex in the City, saying, “Dating diary of a young, single girl! Full of fun, frivolity and heartbreak…or heart-remake? Find out!”Caramel Craze presents Dating Vanilla or Swinger Lifestyle posted at Caramel Craze.Kisses B presents TMI – too much information… No seriously posted at I Want My Kisses Back.

Be sure to tune in every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays for more! The next Carnival of Online Dating will be October 19th, 2011, so make sure to get your submissions in by 8:59pm PST/11:59pm EST Tuesday October 18th!

That concludes this edition. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.


13th Edition of the Carnival of Online Dating

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Warning Signs of Emotional Infidelity

Not all infidelity is of the physical kind, but it can often begin with an emotional affair. It seems safe enough — your partner may have friends of the opposite sex, and it’s all platonic. But sometimes, things get more emotionally intimate, and these types of affairs can be just as damaging as physical ones.

What exactly is an emotional affair?

An emotional affair is usually classified as an affair that hasn’t reached the point of sex. You share a relationship beyond that of friendship, and it’s almost always a secret. Some people might think, “Well, they aren’t having sex, so,” but this type of affair can be just as damaging as an all-out physical affair.

In an emotional affair, you’re not only investing more of your time and emotional energy into a relationship outside of your committed one, but you’re receiving emotional support and companionship. You can start to feel closer to this other person, and many times, sexual tension builds to unbearable levels creating a situation in which you’re likely to sleep with them.

As mentioned earlier, even if there’s no sexual contact, emotional affairs end up damaging due to your partner feeling betrayed and deceived.

Warning Signs of an Emotional Infidelity

Here are a few things to look for if you suspect your partner is in an emotional affair:

Your partner becomes defensive when you ask about their friendship.Your partner seems withdrawn or distant during the day, and you spend less time together.Your partner is less interested in being intimate — sexually or emotionally.Your partner spends more time with their friend.RELATED READING

Can We Still Be Friends?

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Monday, October 17, 2011

Online Dating: 3 Signs Your Partner Needs Space


hi wats i love ur pix

Previous post: Warning Signs of Emotional Infidelity

Next post: Online Dating: 3 Tips for Flirting with Guys Online

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Online Dating: 3 Tips for Flirting with Guys Online

Tips for Confident First Date Conversation
by Kristin Marshall on October 12, 2011

15 Things That Make Guys Undateable

100-Year History of the Bra

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Tips for Confident First Date Conversation

On a first date, it can sometimes be tough to avoid an oversharing disaster. Fear no more — here are a few first date conversation tips to get things going without a hitch.

The Basics

Before you worry about the specifics, here are a few general tips for great date conversation:

Make Eye Contact – Maintaining eye contact is essential. This lets your date know that you’re paying attention, and that you’re open.Listen – Listen to what your date has to say. Don’t ramble on or ignore what they have to say. It’s harder to listen, so prove that you can be attentive and interested.Be Passionate – Exude excitement and positive energy while talking about the things that make you tick.Be Confident – If you’re both quiet, it can be an awkward date. But there is a fine line between being confident and cocky, so exude confidence in your body language and while you’re speaking.Have a Sense of Humor – A sense of humor is one of your best assets on a date. Let that shine, and make your date laugh.The Don’ts

Stay away from:

Getting too philosophic – Of course you should express your passions, but keep things light and fun.Me, me, me – Being memorable isn’t always about talking about yourself. Ask questions and your date will think you’re interesting, too.Being fake – In terms of complimenting your date, don’t be overbearing, but stay sincere. For example, don’t tell them you love their shoes if you actually think they’re hideous.Something To Talk About“I’ve always wanted to…”

Opening up to your date by letting them in on something you’ve always wanted to do will help them to open up, too. What are your dreams? If your date starts talking about places they’ve been, mention a few where you’d like to travel to one day. The same goes for activities, carrer goals, and more.

“How did your interest in ____ start?

Show interest in your date by asking them questions, too. If they mentioned a hobby or something about their job, ask them how they got started. You’ll find out more about your date, and it’ll keep the conversation interesting. You’ll be able to throw in some personal anecdotes, too.

“This one time…”

Speaking of personal anecdotes, give a few of your own! It will open up the floor for stories from your date, too. Personal stories are a great way to give a peek into your personality, and it’s a great way to get comfortable with your date. Just remember not to overshare anything gross or too intimate — you don’t want to turn your date off.

“My favorite ____ is…”

What’s your favorite food, hobby, weekend activity, etc.? Especially if you’re out already at a bar or restaurant, talking about your favorite foods will give you a safe topic for conversation. You’ll also be able to gauge whether or not your share culinary preferences, and it may give you an idea of where you should grab a bite on your next date.

“Have you ever been to?”

You should be able to determine how well the date is going after a while, so when your conversation drifts to local happenings, ask your date if they’ve been to a favorite spot of yours. You can mention a great restaurant you frequent, and ask if they’ve ever been. Conversation like this can lead into planning another date without being pushy.

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

6 Signs They’ll Break Your Heart

At the start of a fresh relationship, you feel great; everything is going well and you think this may be one for the long-term. While it’s easy to overlook the little things that point to disaster, you should be on the lookout — here are 6 signs they’ll break your heart.

They completely avoids disagreements. If someone’s trying too hard to be nice, it’s a sign they’ll break your heart. It might sound odd at first, but your partner shouldn’t pretend to agree with everything — they need to be real with you.

They’re unsure about you. In other words: When you ask your partner directly about how they feel about you, if they don’t answer or if they’re indirect, think twice. Not everyone needs to know whether or not they’re going to spend the rest of forever with someone, but they should be able to express how they feel.

They attend to your needs far more than their own. Again, this is someone who is overly nice because they feel guilt about not being fully engaged with you.

Your relationship has seemed to plateau. Over time, relationships grow and change. If yours is stagnant, attempt to breath life into the relationship by spending quality time together or doing something new. You may be looking at heartbreak if your partner is oblivious to the plateau.

You’re not in their talks about the future. This is a big one. It’s a great sign if your partner uses “we” when talking about plans, especially to others — “we’ll go to…” “we’d like…”. If they talk about their own plans as if you’re not going to be around, well, this is another red flag.

There’s no big ex. Who wouldn’t love to be with someone without the baggage of a significant ex? It may seem ideal, but if your partner has never had a previous long-term relationship, it’s not exactly a good thing. If someone’s dating resume consists of three-week flings, take a closer look at your partner.

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Online Dating: 3 Reasons You Might Want To Hook Up With A Cougar

Tips for Confident First Date Conversation
by Kristin Marshall on October 12, 2011

15 Things That Make Guys Undateable

100-Year History of the Bra

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How to Find a Woman...Or Not

According to a new book, Loneliness is about to become an endangered species. Gary Morgenstein’s new book on the subject, "How to Find a Woman…Or Not", is a groundbreaking new method for finding true love.

According to Morgenstein, If you view all of Planet Earth as a singles bar, then walking your dog, practicing yoga, riding mass transit, buying a book, renting a house or even getting your teeth cleaned can lead to the woman of your dreams. Read more & some reviews herePosted byJodie BrittainatWednesday, February 03, 2010

Saturday, October 15, 2011

eHarmony's New 12 Rules of Dating - Some Amendments

Eh, we might as well netter about this eHarmony list, posting their 12 rules of dating. eHarmony somehow became the AOL/Yahoo of dating sites, and we mean that in the "get with the times, grandpa!" way. But they've nevertheless stumbled upon a decent list, much of it being the same things we say here all the time, only without the needless slideshow of stock images to go with each paragraph.

Some more things to consider:

Get used to getting less attention - The electronic age is filled with distractions, and it's also brought global reach to our fingertips. The result: more Long-Distance Relationships between people who are too busy half the time with work, school, and recreation. Having a relationship in the 2000s might mean less cuddle-time and more a text message between breakfast and the 6 o'clock news.

Be more forgiving of faults - The eHarmony list makes a point, twice, that your online history and every drunken picture of yourself is online forever for everyone to see. Yes, and the flipside of that is that we can all stand to be a little more tolerant of a potential mate's dirty laundry. Because we all have our own, don't we?

Show off more - To add to the whole "your online history is with you forever" thing: what about if you left some positive things for potential dates to find? Your blog about your crazy hobby, your discussion online where you gave some helpful advice to a clueless newbie, your membership in the Electronic Frontier Foundation, pictures of you accepting first place in the spelling-bee contest. People today are looking for deep, multifaceted personalities, people who are driven and passionate and accomplish things.

Be more secure and self-confident - Quit worrying about yourself so much! If you even care about being attractive, you're ahead of most of the heels out there already.
Posted byJodie BrittainatSaturday, September 03, 2011

Everything You Need to Know About Men For the Rest of Your Life

I’m assuming that you’ve got a rich, full life, complete with friends and family, work and hobbies.

I’m assuming that you’ve loved and lost at least a few times.

Finally, I’m assuming that you’d prefer to find a happy, healthy, nurturing, fun, passionate relationship that lasts forever.

If I’m wrong

Single For Years? It’s Not Necessarily You…

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