Sunday, October 23, 2011

From Online to Offline: How to Transition Smoothly

I see a great, informative post over at Evil Woobie on a subject we don't see covered often, How To Transition From Online Dating to the First Date.

It gives some good advice, and you have to chuckle over the part where you're advised to " past chats and take note of the promises that you gave in the past". Heh, we talk a lot when we're flirting and don't remember everything, so we have to keep our story straight, huh? Never truer were the words "an honest person never has to remember anything".

My own little part to add: people should be looser about meeting up for dates. So many online daters agonize for months before finally going out to meet in person. What's everybody so shy about? Don't you strike up conversations with the person next to you on the subway, or talk to people at work? So if you don't expect that every person will be "The One", and just go to have fun and socialize, you'll overcome your shyness and who knows, maybe even click with somebody that you thought wouldn't work out.

My other idea: for those people who don't know how to describe themselves, two of these kind of people can agree to meet for an "evaluation date". The purpose is just to socialize, get to know each other for an hour, then you both agree to go home and write the other person's profile! there, now you have a description of yourself as somebody else sees you. This can be a benefit, because people frequently forget to list their best qualities.

Meh, it's an idea...

Jodie BrittainPosted byJodie BrittainatWednesday, April 29, 2009

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