Monday, October 14, 2013

Buying Christmas Gifts Online 2013

image of high end products suitable for a Christmas Hamper
I want to buy a high end Christmas Hamper for my mother

The week before Christmas

Finalize your shopping list and make a dedicated trip to the supermarket just to buy non-perishable items. 

Getting items like napkins, candles, toothpicks, and plastic cups and plates all sorted well in advance frees your mind to concentrate on the big ticket items like food and presentation. 

Spend a morning making your chutneys, relishes, jams, chocolates and fudges so they can be resting and the flavours developing that lovely complexity. 

It is also the time to get a few foodie friends around and put together you gingerbread house, mince pies, shortbread, biscotti, panettone, panforte and whatever other regional delicacies you include in your Christmas Celebration. 

Especially in Australia, freeze ahead – one of the best things about most Christmas fare is that it can be made ahead of time and frozen – so on the day you can slowly release the frozen products and they can act as cooling agents around the kitchen.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Handmade Designs At the Markets

image of hand embellished jewellery boxes

Local Markets have taken off and in 2013 selling your handmade products at the markets is a key spoke in any business plans for a start up or emerging idea.  As people like you seek to make a meaningful connection with place, process and product, markets and stalls are the key intersection between customers jaded with corporate sameness at shopping centers.

No longer is it good enough to present food of questionable origin, or buy clothes produced in sweatshops and not feel as you are as much a part of the problem for supporting it with your purchase.

People have wised up to the idea that wearing a new $4 shirt means someone, somewhere in the world, has had to work by hand on that item in appalling conditions for as low as $1 for a 14 hour day.

Buy local and keep your money supporting local producers.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Gettin[g the Most from Your SEO

With the phenomenal growth of the Local Arts Markets since the 1990’s, there is a lot of confusing, undirected and unbranded arts markets websites out there.  A great proposal would be to seek out others and establish some sort of community, with a focus on making each member list a promotion or sales link to help with traffic.  And The answer would be a niche specific regional directory featuring popular, helpful real life submissions, human edited and supported with articles and blogposts.

By working along a consistent, hand written thesis, with genuinely informative content means results are based on real time search.  And a pageview is a personal human visitor from another markets in Adelaide, or an event organiser in Goulburn, or a backpacker in Lismore.  These people will actually be the typical demographic for your blog post and will reward you with a walk by from finding you in local search.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Websites For Business

So how do we attract online customers 

to your website when it is brand new
amongst a plethora of established competition? 

And how can we give it a nudge along
so that it moves closer to the first page of the search results,

which is where something like 98% of all buying decisions are made? 

The first step is to target local search, so you are found within the local area by customers who are likely to use you –

the low hanging fruit.

Authentic Web Search Results are gold for your Brand

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Web Design Newcastle

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, I did once partake in the pleasure of the company of the esteemed Internet Marketing Guru – and for a moment there, we made the connection (big deal back in those dial up days).  Yes indeed, haven’t we all met an Internet Marketing Guru? 

So, um yeah, at Newcastle Digital we can spin unique content and have your site zipping with traffic, especially locally and mobile where the biggest growth is forecast.  Crucially, Newcastle Digital fills a local niche and local mobile search is the future.  People want online support for where they are, right now.  No national clunky corporate can offer the specialized individual support we share when you build and manage your search engine optimization program, right here in Newcastle.

The Three Pillars of Wisdom any Internet Guru worth her salt will share with you are Original Unique Content dense with your niche specific keywords.  That means copy written original articles specifically about your niche, about your business and about the topics and issues that are current in your business and affect your customers.  Newcastle Digital has a University trained copywriter and we understand you would expect punchy, sales converting articles to promote your business.

The second Pillar of Wisdom is onsite optimization – that is a website that has all the SEO features that facilitate ease of indexing and findability.  Like seo friendly urls and attention to detail with alt tags and the like.  Onsite optimization is ensuring that your website has all the features that will make is easy to be found.

The Third Pillar of Wisdom, and one that is most difficult to define and track, is off page optimization.  This is where the search engine measures the number of links pointing to your site and measures the inbound links for quality, authority and relevance.  So you want links from respected industry organization ‘s websites and as opposed to links from free for all link farms based in Eastern Europe.  Get the picture?

So as an Internet Marketing Guru, sure, we may not be the High Lord Yogi or whatever, but we have learned enough over the years to propel websites under our management into the first page of the results and more importantly, to convert those website visitors into paying, profitable customers.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Organic Digital Web Design

Here's the latest on Internet Marketing for Small Business.

IN the online marketplace, people are looking for a business that offers a saving, service or specialty that they cannot find elsewhere.  If you offer a product or service that is widely available, you will find the competition for your search terms or keywords very competitive.  It is quite likely that your new website from Organic Digital will be just one of hundreds across Australia and possibly of dozens across Newcastle and the Hunter Region.

So how do we attract online customers to your website when it is brand new amongst a plethora of established competition?  And how can we give it a nudge along so that it moves closer to the first page of the search results, which is where something like 98% of all buying decisions are made?  The first step is to target local search, so you are found within the local area by customers who are likely to use you – the low hanging fruit.

Once we have some traction with local search, we expand our horizon to take in regional and statewide geographic locations so we can compete with out of area business – and from then on you will be in the national marketplace.  It may sound ambitious, but it is not beyond the scope of Organic Digital to have your new website competing strongly in the Australian search results within 12 months.

Taking advantage of a positive Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy can work wonders for a small business website.  If you have an existing site that has never been optimized, the results can be quite dramatic in the short term.  At Organic Digital, we are passionate and enthusiastic about SEO and gaining momentum in the search engine rankings is a source of real pride for the team.  Plus, it means more traffic and visitors to your site and at the end of the day, more sales and money in your pocket!