Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Gettin[g the Most from Your SEO

With the phenomenal growth of the Local Arts Markets since the 1990’s, there is a lot of confusing, undirected and unbranded arts markets websites out there.  A great proposal would be to seek out others and establish some sort of community, with a focus on making each member list a promotion or sales link to help with traffic.  And The answer would be a niche specific regional directory featuring popular, helpful real life submissions, human edited and supported with articles and blogposts.

By working along a consistent, hand written thesis, with genuinely informative content means results are based on real time search.  And a pageview is a personal human visitor from another markets in Adelaide, or an event organiser in Goulburn, or a backpacker in Lismore.  These people will actually be the typical demographic for your blog post and will reward you with a walk by from finding you in local search.


Thanks for Visiting, Drop By soon