Local Markets have taken off and in 2013 selling your handmade products at the markets is a key spoke in any business plans for a start up or emerging idea. As people like you seek to make a meaningful connection with place, process and product, markets and stalls are the key intersection between customers jaded with corporate sameness at shopping centers.
No longer is it good enough to present food of questionable origin, or buy clothes produced in sweatshops and not feel as you are as much a part of the problem for supporting it with your purchase.
People have wised up to the idea that wearing a new $4 shirt means someone, somewhere in the world, has had to work by hand on that item in appalling conditions for as low as $1 for a 14 hour day.
Buy local and keep your money supporting local producers.
No longer is it good enough to present food of questionable origin, or buy clothes produced in sweatshops and not feel as you are as much a part of the problem for supporting it with your purchase.
People have wised up to the idea that wearing a new $4 shirt means someone, somewhere in the world, has had to work by hand on that item in appalling conditions for as low as $1 for a 14 hour day.
Buy local and keep your money supporting local producers.